Industry statistics for Germany
Within the the Business Index the most searched company in Germany is Holzrecycling GmbH. The most searched region of Germany is Hessen. The most searched city in Germany is Frankfurt Am Main. The most popular sector is Accommodation & Food.
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Country Statistics
Here are the top industries with Germany market.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Country Benchmark
Below shows the key statistics for Germany as a whole.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined above are created by reviewing all companies within Germany.
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Most Searched Companies in Germany
- Holzrecycling GmbH
- Hainich Konserven GmbH
- Hilde Höhne Großhandel Mit Auserlesenen Stilmöbeln Und Einrichtungsgegenständen, Inh. Angelika Höhne
- Hesse-Bau GmbH
- Skyline Hotel GmbH
- Raiffeisen Handelsgenossenschaft Schwarzenberg E.g.
- Mainhattan Finance & Trading GmbH
- Schreinerei Jung Inhaber Rolf Jung
- Ideal-Line GmbH Heizung-Klima-Lüftung
- Mtm 4. Verwaltungsgesellschaft Mbh
- Antje Bamberg Und Halit Yaman Ohg
- Nur Küchen Gesellschaft Mit Beschränkter Haftung
- Huhn Haustechnik GmbH
- Co. - Con Commercial Consulting GmbH, Gesellschaft Zur Beratung Und Vermittlung Von Unternehmens- Und Immobilienkäufen
- Modehaus Lac Inhaber Werner Laux
- Carl Froh GmbH