This is a Credit Report for Sportex Communications.
It was incorporated in 1994.
Its headquarters are located at 37 Mountstuart Drive Wemyss Bay Renfrewshire PA18.
Sportex Communications is assigned the safe number UK07490549
Creditsafe’s Financial Strength indicator analyses the liquidity and strength of a company’s financial position. The financial strength indicator simply analyses the strength of the company’s latest financial statements.
Estimated Turnover
The Estimated Turnover Indicator is Creditsafe’s estimation of annual turnover for companies that file financial statements but have not disclosed a turnover figure in their income statement. The estimates are calculated by using key figures from the company’s balance sheet and ratios from the accounts of other companies that operate in the same industry sector.
Augur Score
The Augur Score (0-600) is an empirically derived commercial credit score which predicts the likelihood of business failure in the next 12 months
Graydon Rating
The Graydon Rating shows the degree of credit risk, with AAA rating being the highest possible rating and C being the lowest. D indicates that the customer is in a state of bankruptcy. N/A indicates that no rating could be set because the company is passive
Sportex Communicationsの本社住所はどこですか?
Sportex Communications's headquarters is located at 37 Mountstuart Drive Wemyss Bay Renfrewshire PA18.