New telephone number
New fax number
SIC code
SIC description
Contact details
Date of birth
Identify the gaps
We’ll show you where we can add or update records.
Protect your brand
Reduce the risk of sending campaigns to inaccurate addresses and contacts.
Highlight credit risk
Credit check your whole database at the click of a button.
Identify cross-selling opportunities
Highlight trends and potential new markets.
New telephone number
New fax number
SIC code
SIC description
Contact details
Date of birth
Credit risk
Credit limit
CJ (volume)
CJ (value)
Pre-tax profit
Number of employees
Incorporation date
Company duplicates
TPS flag
Inactive companies
Companies are constantly changing and so are their details. We do the hard work of updating our data universe so you don’t have to. We make sure you won’t face issues like improperly targeted campaigns or incorrect information in a sales pitch when contacting prospects.
We check for:
Incorrect contact details
Incorrect address details
Duplicated records
Incomplete records
Inaccurate records
Once we have cleaned your data and highlighted what is good and bad, we can then enhance it for you by adding numerous fields including sales, employee number, credit rating, SIC code and web address. We can tailor to your business needs. Ask your Account Manager for further details on this.
Our free Data Health Check helps you to evaluate your data quickly and efficiently. Whatever the size of your data file, whether that’s 500 or 100,000 business records, we can run a check and provide you with a report detailing the quality of your data. The key areas assessed are the record quality, authenticity of the data and the profile of your customers e.g. industry sector, employees and location.
No we won’t delete any of your data, we will only add fields that you request.