Credit Reports

Better Data = Better Decisions

Business Credit Reports​

Reduce Business Risk with Business Credit Reports​

Creditsafe helps reduce credit exposure by showing customers the credit worthiness of the businesses they deal with anywhere in the world. Whether it is extending credit to a business, offering a lease, or looking to improve the terms on contracts, our business credit reports are designed to help customers make informed credit decisions so that they can protect their business from bad debt and outstanding invoices.​

Get answers to specific questions like:

  1. How likely is a company to go bankrupt in the next 12 months?

  2. How much credit can be offered to a company?

  3. Is a potential partner likely to pay on-time?

  4. Has anything changed that could affect customers' ability to pay?

Creditsafe credit reports are the most complete business information reports in the industry​

The data within a business credit report generally fits into following areas​

  1. Business Verification

    Verify a company is genuine, confirm its registered details, address and legal status.

  2. Credit Score and Limit

    See a company's credit score and maximum recommended credit limit.

  3. Financial performance

    Full financials let customers understand if a company is growing and financially stable.

  4. Directors and Shareholders

    Verify the identity of company directors and perform additional consumer checks.

  5. Company Ownership

    Understand the true ownership of any company and its ultimate beneficial owner.

  6. Key Risk Indicators

    Confirm if specific customer or supplier has any legal filings, late or missed payments.

Where does the data come from?

At Creditsafe, we pride ourselves on the data and business intelligence we supply to our customers.

The data used to create our scores and limits comes from working with official sources such as Government entities and the Court System, and our selected global network of international data partners. To further increase the validity of our data, we include trade payment data from our trusted trade payment data suppliers to give you the most accurate picture of the financial stability of a company.

Scoring Model

International Business Credit Reports​

Credit Reports on Any Business in the World

Even under the best of circumstances, working with international companies is risky, especially when it’s time to get paid as laws, contracts and norms often do not work in customer favor. While we can’t make doing business internationally abroad risk-free, we have built up the world’s largest business credit database so that customer can mitigate at least some of the risk and grow their business with confidence.​

By providing real-time, accurate and trusted information on any business in the world, we are able to help companies of all sizes maximise sales and reduce exposure to credit risk. Over 200,000 users globally rely on the information Creditsafe provide to make 450,000 decisions daily. For companies that do business locally and globally, Creditsafe delivers key insight on 365 million private and public companies around the world.​

The map below illustrates the countries where we can deliver instant credit reports on over  430 million businesses in 200 countries via our online database.

Standardized International Credit Scores

A language everyone can understand

International Credit Score
International Credit Score explanation

Comparing a credit report from one country to another can be difficult if the scoring model is different in each country. That's why we created a standardized international score so that when you're looking at multiple reports from different countries you can have confidence that you're comparing apples to apples. 

Although we may not hold information on every company in the world, 99.9% of all business credit reports requested by our customers are delivered instantly online. We don’t store historic reports and will immediately investigate any business we don’t hold information on to deliver fresh commercial insight you can trust.

Our score is designed with simplicity in mind so you can make a credit decision as fast as possible. With a range from A-E, A is the lowest risk, D is the highest risk and E means a company is unrated.  The score measures the likelihood of a company becoming insolvent within the next 12 months. 

Consumer Credit Reports​

What insight a consumer credit report offers?

Consumer Credit Score

To gain a quick understanding of a customer’s financial position and ability to fulfil their credit commitments. Our consumer credit scores calculate in a number of factors to make an informed credit risk decision.

Person Details

Identity verification using electoral roll, current and historical demographic information on individuals to verify they are who they say they are

Bankruptcy, Insolvency and previous credit search data

Historical information on individuals to reveal any current or previous financial difficulties, which can indicate how effective they will be at paying their credit commitments on time.

Information on many times a person has been credit checked or have applied for credit themselves, this is a great indicator of their current financial situation.

What goes into a consumer credit score?

Our consumer credit reports are powered by our trusted partner, one of the UK’s leading consumer credit agencies. Information is obtained from a number of sources including the electoral roll, county courts and the insolvency service. Consumer data is then combined with credit and payment information obtained from banks, building societies and other lenders to produce an accurate and trusted consumer credit score and comprehensive credit report.

  1. Electoral Roll data

  2. Address, aliases and associate links

  3. Credit search history

  4. County Court Judgments (CCJs)

  5. Bankruptcies, administration orders & IVAs

  6. Postcode address file data (PAF)