GraydonCreditsafe uses different methodologies and combines different data elements to build the ESG score.
1. Initially, ready-made data elements are used (e.g., from the social balance sheet).
2. By combining data, artificial intelligence, and human knowledge, we recognise behavioural patterns so that we also extract information from data that at first glance has nothing to do with it.
- For example, GraydonCreditsafe’s database does not contain information on drug offences or other crimes. Yet, we succeed in using financial data, fleet data and numerous other data sources to indicate the likelihood of a company exhibiting criminal or fraudulent behaviour.
3. We also look for non-measurable data elements (intangibles), which we can nevertheless convert into measurable elements (tangibles). Some correlations that GraydonCreditsafe discovered together with academics and universities are surprising to say the least.
- Language and grammatical structure of a website says something about a company's management style.
- Management style, as well as gender equality, along with several other parameters, says something about a company's innovativeness.
- Gender parity, in turn, says something about a company's shock resilience.