Review a full credit report on Net Services Netz GmbH for free now.
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How does Net Services Netz GmbH compare to the averages within its industry.
Latest filings (2023)
International Score | Description |
A |
Very Low Risk
B |
Low risk
C |
Moderate Risk
D |
High Risk
E |
Not Scored
Score | Description |
51-100 |
Low risk
30-50 |
Moderate Risk
1-29 |
Caution - High Risk
0 |
Not Scored
Score | Description |
71-100 |
Very Low Risk
51-70 |
Low risk
30-50 |
Moderate Risk
21-29 |
High Risk
1-20 |
Very High Risk
0 |
Not Scored
Financial Strength
Estimated Turnover
Augur Score
Graydon Rating