Science Industry in Sora
In Sora there are 31 Science companies and the Science industry makes accounts for 6% of the limited companies within Sora. The most searched Science company within the Business Index is Eci - Ente Di Certificazione & Ispezione S.r.l.. Average Current Ratio Average within the Science industry in Sora is 1.74, Average Pre Tax Profit is 32092.19, and the Average Current Debt Ratio is 4.45.
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Science Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Science industry
Average Industry Current Ratio
Average Industry Pre-tax Profit
Average Industry Current Debt Ratio
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Science industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Sora
Average Current Ratio
Average Pre Tax Profit
Average Current Debt Ratio
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Most searched Science Companies in Sora
- Eci - Ente Di Certificazione & Ispezione S.r.l.
- Iconsulting S.r.l.
- Sdi Soluzioni Di Impresa Societa A Responsabilita Limitata Semplificata
- More Services S.r.l.
- Asso S.r.l. - In Liquidazione
- Eurostudio S.r.l.
- Starbytes Di D Amico Fabio Societa A Responsabilita Limitata Semplificata
- Cooperativa Sociale Nautilus
- Atlantide S.r.l.
- Marena Societa A Responsabilita Limitata Semplificata
- C.a.f. Consorzio Autotrasportatori Federati
- Media Call S.r.l. - In Liquidazione
- Brains For Business S.r.l.
- Climacontrol S.r.l. - In Liquidazione
- Finnova Societa A Responsabilita Limitata
- Pubblimmagine S.r.l. - In Liquidazione
Other Science Companies Nationwide
- Ecolandia S.r.l.
- Wolf Waste Solutions S.r.l.
- Ecoimpianti S.r.l.
- Morus Alti Campi S.r.l.
- Simply Societa A Responsabilita Limitata
- Sv Servizi Ambientali Srl
- Agile 4 Solutions S.r.l.
- Progetto Per L Ambiente S.r.l. - Societa Uninominale
- Geo Studio Engineering S.r.l.
- Criobit S.r.l.
- Cosde Srl
- Atea Group S.r.l. Societa Benefit
- Chorisia Solis S.r.l.
- Ecorisposta S.r.l.
- Lenergetica S.r.l.
- Atlante Group Srl