Commerce Industry in Cecina
In Cecina there are 71 Commerce companies and the Commerce industry makes accounts for 19% of the limited companies within Cecina. The most searched Commerce company within the Business Index is Forniture Nautiche Italiane Srl. Average Current Ratio Average within the Commerce industry in Cecina is 2.62, Average Pre Tax Profit is 228886.88, and the Average Current Debt Ratio is 7.54.
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Commerce Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Commerce industry
Average Industry Current Ratio
Average Industry Pre-tax Profit
Average Industry Current Debt Ratio
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Commerce industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Cecina
Average Current Ratio
Average Pre Tax Profit
Average Current Debt Ratio
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Most searched Commerce Companies in Cecina
- Forniture Nautiche Italiane Srl
- Industrialforniture S.r.l.
- Mollica Marino S.r.l.
- Uni.ra. Srl
- Bichimica S.r.l.
- Edilizia Biancani Benito S.r.l.
- Colorado S.r.l.
- Ncs Grandi Impianti S.r.l.
- Bea S.r.l.
- Gn1907 Srl
- Qbk Qubik S.r.l.
- Terroir Toscana Selection S.r.l.
- Gmb Srls
- P&R Italian Home Design S.r.l.
- Bicar - S.r.l.
- B.fuel - S.r.l.
Other Commerce Companies Nationwide
- Edil Rustic S.r.l.
- Illuminati Frutta Societa Consortile A R.l.
- Torello - Travi, Ferro E Metalli S.r.l.
- Bilvin S.r.l.
- * Lavorazioni Siderurgiche - Lasider Di Miele Michelangelo S.r.l.
- S.i.s.m.e. - S.r.l.
- Principato S.r.l.
- Autoimport S.r.l.
- Il Mercatino Del Pesce S.r.l.
- Mega Italia S.r.l.
- Chemical Leather System S.r.l. In Abbreviazione Cls S.r.l.
- Centro Revisione Autoveicoli Cristo S.r.l. Siglabile In Centro Revisione Cristo S.r.l.
- La Casa Di Terra S.r.l.
- Logos Trading - S.p.a.
- Tre Palme - Societa' A Responsabilita' Limitata In Sigla: Trepalme - S.r.l.
- Ibac Sud S.r.l. - In Liquidazione -