Commerce Industry in Laholm
In Laholm there are 84 Commerce companies and the Commerce industry makes accounts for 16% of the limited companies within Laholm. The most searched Commerce company within the Business Index is Olle Pålsson Förvaltnings AB. The average credit score within the Commerce industry in Laholm is 68.91, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Commerce Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Commerce industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Commerce industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Laholm
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched Commerce Companies in Laholm
- Olle Pålsson Förvaltnings AB
- Rolkur Invest AB
- Bkl Group AB
- Premium Snacks Nordic AB
- Number One Cars I Sverige AB
- Bokhandeln Laholm Aktiebolag
- Laholms Traktordemontering Aktiebolag
- Lpm-Potatis Aktiebolag
- Liljekvists Motor Aktiebolag
- Wekudata Aktiebolag
- Bopp Scandinavia AB
- Akroby Svenska AB
- Eponia Equestrian Sport Sweden AB
- Amplecta AB
- Basmetall Kundvagnar I Laholm AB
- Join Me Fastighetsförvaltning Och Marinteknik AB
Other Commerce Companies Nationwide
- Festspecialisten Buttericks Aktiebolag
- Agema Nordic Aktiebolag
- Thule-Therm Aktiebolag
- Såifa Drivmedel Aktiebolag
- Theodoridis Aktiebolag
- Studio Helene Rydin AB
- Circle K Sverige AB
- Lundgrens Fiskredskapsfabrik Aktiebolag
- Aktiebolaget Svenska Kolfringfabriken
- Tungsram Lighting AB
- W.a. Bolin Aktiebolag
- Castrol Sweden AB
- Carl Zeiss Aktiebolag
- Datasaab Contracting Aktiebolag
- Georg Jensen Silver Aktiebolag
- Keva Motor AB