Health & Social Work Industry in Brakel
In Brakel there are 14 Health & Social Work companies and the Health & Social Work industry makes accounts for 3% of the limited companies within Brakel. The most searched Health & Social Work company within the Business Index is Groep Van Voorzieningen Sint-Franciscus. The average credit score within the Health & Social Work industry in Brakel is 78.25, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Health & Social Work Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Health & Social Work industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Health & Social Work industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Health & Social Work Companies in Brakel
- Groep Van Voorzieningen Sint-Franciscus
- Dokter Jourquin Philip, Huisarts
- Dokter Michiel Marchau En Dokter Véronique Jacobs
- Ouders Voor Inclusie
- Rvt/Rusthuis Najaarszon
- Dokter Caroline Jonckheere
- Kinesitherapie Rubben Ogez
- In-Contact
- Voetencentrum Hermanns
- Dr. Anssens Sarah
- Dokter Kyra Van Reepingen
- Ion Vulpe Anesthesie
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- Autonome Verzorgingsinstelling Virga Jesseziekenhuis
- Nottebohm Medisch Centrum
- A.z. Sint-Lucas
- Sint-Andriesziekenhuis
- Heilig Hartziekenhuis Mol
- Sint-Franciscus Xaveriusziekenhuis
- Imelda
- Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Sint-Jozef
- Cor Unum
- Emmaüs
- Nationaal Multiple Sclerose Centrum Vzw
- Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis