Real Estate Industry in Helsingør
In Helsingør there are 226 Real Estate companies and the Real Estate industry makes accounts for 8% of the limited companies within Helsingør. The most searched Real Estate company within the Business Index is Ejerforeningen Stenhuggergården. The average credit score within the Real Estate industry in Helsingør is 76.14, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Real Estate Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Real Estate industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Real Estate industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Helsingør
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched Real Estate Companies in Helsingør
- Ejerforeningen Stenhuggergården
- Birchs Udlejningsejendomme ApS
- Søbækgård Bycenter ApS
- Ryttermarken 11 I/S
- Imovi A/S
- Jll Group ApS
- Andelsboligforening Ellekildehave 1
- Lisbygd Ejendomme A/S
- ApS Bohverv
- Skotterup Invest ApS
- Krm ApS
- Miss Invest ApS
- J.b.d.f. ApS
- Solbakken A/S
- Niwenco ApS
- Zøllner Holding ApS
Other Real Estate Companies Nationwide
- Andelsboligforeningen Vesterparken
- E/F Marathonhus Marathonvej 2/Grækenlandsvej 63
- Andelsboligforeningen Hveensvej 15 - 19
- E/F Westend
- A/B Læssøesgade 5
- Lundtoftegade I/S
- Ballerup Almennyttige Boligselskab Afd Grantoften
- A/B Åboulevard 4-6
- Ejendommen Alhambravej 6 ApS
- Edc-Partner A/S
- A/B Banevolden 38 40 42
- A/B Århusgade 4 - 10
- Investeringsanpartsselskabet Af 22. Juni 1990
- Ejd Jul Valentinersvej I/S
- Den Selvejende Ungdomsinst Frode Fredegodsvej Ølstykke
- Andelsboligforeningen Aggersborg