Administration Industry in Nancy
In Nancy there are 98 Administration companies and the Administration industry makes accounts for 24% of the limited companies within Nancy. The most searched Administration company within the Business Index is V Rue Frederic Chopin. The average credit score within the Administration industry in Nancy is 57.91, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Administration Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Administration industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Administration industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Administration Companies in Nancy
- V Rue Frederic Chopin
- Thouvenot Micheline
- Coprop R Blandan
- Coprop 2B R Abbe Gridel
- S.c.i. Cure D Air
- Copr Res Michelet
- Copro Residence Les Sources
- Coprop R Poincare
- Im Quarante Huit A France
- 4 Rue Drout Nancy
- Sci Albert 1Er
- Ste Civ Immob A Leclerc
- Des Coproprietaires Resid
- Coprop 74 R Vaucouleurs
- Coprop Horizon Ii Mil
- Coprop 26 R Dominicains
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- Seven Loc'auto
- Sasu B2G Gestion
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