Water & Waste Management Industry in Livorno
In Livorno there are 16 Water & Waste Management companies and the Water & Waste Management industry makes accounts for 1% of the limited companies within Livorno. The most searched Water & Waste Management company within the Business Index is Centro Livornese Recupero Inerti S.r.l.. Average Current Ratio Average within the Water & Waste Management industry in Livorno is 1.55, Average Pre Tax Profit is 656251.4, and the Average Current Debt Ratio is 6.88.
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Water & Waste Management Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Water & Waste Management industry
Average Industry Current Ratio
Average Industry Pre-tax Profit
Average Industry Current Debt Ratio
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Water & Waste Management industry.
Average Current Ratio
Average Pre Tax Profit
Average Current Debt Ratio
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Most searched Water & Waste Management Companies in Livorno
- Centro Livornese Recupero Inerti S.r.l.
- Elettrogas S.r.l. I N L I Q U I D A Z I O N E
- Petracchi Srl
- A.s.a. - Azienda Servizi Ambientali S.p.a.
- Rari - Livorno Raccolta Rifiuti Industriali Srl
- Labromare Srl
- Autodemolizione Livornese Srl
- Lonzi Metalli S.r.l
- Ekotek Srl
- Ecogroup S.r.l.
- Ecoflash S.r.l.
- Piombino Industrie Marittime - S.r.l.
- Salvadori Demolizioni S.r.l.
- Acquedotto Portuale S.r.l.
- Time Recycling Societa A Responsabilita Limitata In Forma In Forma Abbreviata Time Recycling S.r.l.
- Beco S.r.l.
Other Water & Waste Management Companies Nationwide
- Azienda Multiservizi Idrici E Ambientali Scrivia Srl
- Societa Cooperativa Produttori Agricoli San Francesco
- Consorzio Solofra Depurazione
- Cop.a.i.f. Cooperativa Agricola Irrigazione Fondiaria S.r.l.
- Cooperativa Irrigua Alfieri - Societa Cooperativa Agricola
- Hera S.p.a.
- Gori S.p.a.
- Mm S.p.a.
- Cap Holding S.p.a.
- Acegasapsamga S.p.a.
- Societa Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.a. In Alternativa Sma Torino S.p.a. Ovvero Smat S.p.a.
- Uniacque S.p.a.
- Acqualatina S.p.a.
- Etra S.p.a. Societa Benefit
- Acqua Novara.vco S.p.a.
- Alfa Societa A Responsabilita Limitata (O, In Forma Abbreviata Alfa S.r.l.)