Accomodation & Food Industry in Rebild
In Rebild there are 11 Accomodation & Food companies and the Accomodation & Food industry makes accounts for 1% of the limited companies within Rebild. The most searched Accomodation & Food company within the Business Index is Comwell Rebild Bakker A/S. The average credit score within the Accomodation & Food industry in Rebild is 55, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Accomodation & Food Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Accomodation & Food industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Accomodation & Food industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Rebild
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched Accomodation & Food Companies in Rebild
- Comwell Rebild Bakker A/S
- Den Selvejende Institution Rebild Vandrerhjem
- Rørbæk Kultur & Borgerforening
- Kvitåvatn Fjellstoge Og Håndværkstun A/S
- Rold Storkro I/S V/Jørgen Pedersen/Lars Kæp Jensen
- Erik Eriksen Ii ApS
- Skørping Idræts Center
- Siem Forsamlingshus
- Mosskov Pavillonen I/S
- Aarestrup Forsamlingshus ApS
Other Accomodation & Food Companies Nationwide
- Brøndby Almennyttige Boligselskab Afdeling Rheumhus
- Danske Hoteller A/S
- Alumneforeningen Ved Vlk
- På Hjørnet ApS
- Ejendomsselskabet Allegade 10 ApS
- Københavns Lærerforenings Kolonier
- Ejendomsselskabet Danske Hoteller ApS
- Hansens Gamle Familiehave ApS
- Schjønning Holding ApS
- Cabinn A/S
- Selskabet Islands Brygge 11 ApS
- Krøgers Familiehave ApS
- Madklubben 701 ApS
- Bernhards
- Mielcke & Hurtigkarl ApS
- Frb Rådhuskælder A/S