en name Industry in Sønderborg
In Sønderborg there are 30 en name companies and the en name industry makes accounts for 1% of the limited companies within Sønderborg. The most searched en name company within the Business Index is I/S Hanne Og Kresten Krenzen. The average credit score within the en name industry in Sønderborg is 59.3, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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en name Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the en name industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the en name industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Sønderborg
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched en name Companies in Sønderborg
- I/S Hanne Og Kresten Krenzen
- Nørremark Grønt I/S
- Jette Og Henning Duus
- I/S Stenbæk-Stjørneholm
- Langager I/S V/Dagny & Jørgen Bonefeld
- Graasten Plantningsselskab ApS
- M. Minkservice ApS
- Skovholt I/S
- Mjelsgård I/S V/Peter Bonde Christiansen Og Paul Bonde Christiansen
- Midtals Maskinstation I/S
- Lundsgaard ApS
- Skovselskabet Slauggård ApS
- Bertram I/S
- Trympellyng ApS
- Nieder Danmark ApS
- Økosamfundet Soleng A.m.b.a.
Other en name Companies Nationwide
- Bdr. Sandgreen
- Partsrederi M/M Ulu
- Egely Danske Forstkandidaters Forening
- Ecotree International ApS
- I/S Åsted Skovgård V/Jørgen Og Kristian Timm
- Hanne Og Allan Jørgensen
- Bjarne Jeppesen & Birte Jeppesen
- Harry Grøn ApS
- Charlotte & Jesper Gosvig
- Over Møjbæk I/S V/Peter Og Tove Kristensen
- Søvang Gods A/S
- I/S Ushus
- I/S Bostrup Østergaard V/Jens & Harald Østergaard
- Landmænd Niels A Nielsen Lotte U Nielsen
- Nedermøllen Balling A/S
- Landbrug Hanne Gaardsted - Kjeld Thorsen