Accomodation & Food Industry in Bankside
In Bankside there are 15 Accomodation & Food companies and the Accomodation & Food industry makes accounts for 4% of the limited companies within Bankside. The most searched Accomodation & Food company within the Business Index is The Union Jack Club. The average credit score within the Accomodation & Food industry in Bankside is 60.71, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Accomodation & Food Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Accomodation & Food industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Accomodation & Food industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched Accomodation & Food Companies in Bankside
- The Union Jack Club
- Marriott Hotels Limited
- Tavolino Limited
- Opus 11 Limited
- Tozi Restaurant Operator Limited
- Twickers Med Tasty Kitchen Limited
- Twickers Med Kitchen Ltd
- Tikida Grill House Ltd
- Lunchin Limited
- Ahwaz Lebanese Restaurant Limited
- Mamuska Restaurants Limited
- Koftas Ltd
- Jai Ho Restaurant Limited
- Birol Ltd
Other Accomodation & Food Companies Nationwide
- Claridge's Hotel Limited
- Whitbread Group PLC
- Porthminster Hotel Company Limited
- The Bury St.edmunds Hotel Company Limited.
- Hilton Uk Hotels Limited
- Chester Race Company Limited
- Queen Alexandra's House Association
- Mount Nelson Hotel Limited
- The North Shore Golf Club(Skegness)Limited
- Ixora Hotel And Spa Limited
- First Conference Estate Limited
- The Union Jack Club
- Cober Hill Limited
- Manchester Ymca
- J.burton(Warwick)Limited
- The Court Hotel (Bromley) Limited