Education Industry in Milano
In Milano there are 688 Education companies and the Education industry makes accounts for 1% of the limited companies within Milano. The most searched Education company within the Business Index is Alfio Bardolla Training Group S.p.a.. Average Current Ratio Average within the Education industry in Milano is 3.18, Average Pre Tax Profit is 434927.9, and the Average Current Debt Ratio is 14.13.
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Education Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Education industry
Average Industry Current Ratio
Average Industry Pre-tax Profit
Average Industry Current Debt Ratio
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Education industry.
More information about the scorings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Milano
Average Current Ratio
Average Pre Tax Profit
Average Current Debt Ratio
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Most searched Education Companies in Milano
- Alfio Bardolla Training Group S.p.a.
- Boolean S.r.l.
- Hrd Training Group S.r.l.
- H R Solutions S.r.l.
- Randstad Hr Solutions Srl
- Yellow Hub S.r.l.
- Quality Learning Consulta S.r.l.
- Formazione E Conoscenza S.r.l.
- Ehappen S.r.l.
- Caledonian S.r.l.
- Accademia Tecniche Nuove Srl
- Mip Politecnico Di Milano - Graduate School Of Business Societa Consortile Per Azioni
- Packaging Meeting S.r.l. - Consulenza E Formazione
- Digital Bros Game Academy S.r.l.
- Next Fashion School Di Carla Secoli S.r.l.
- Istituto Carlo Secoli - S.r.l.
Other Education Companies Nationwide
- Conte Ruggero S.r.l.
- Istituto Marangoni S.r.l.
- Eurodemos S.r.l. - Societa A Responsabilita Limitata
- Istituto Scolastico Walt Disney Soc. Coop. Di Lavoro A Mutualita Prevalente A R.l.
- G. Pascoli S.r.l.
- La Periferia - Societa Cooperativa Sociale
- Cooperativa S. Giuseppe - Societa Cooperativa Sociale - Onlus
- Istituti Pitagora S.r.l.
- Centro Studi Superiori S.r.l.
- Chiron School Scd S.r.l.
- Demos Societa A Responsabilita Limitata - O In Forma Abbreviata Demos S.r.l.
- Don Leone Leoni Societa Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
- Centro Studi E. Montale S.r.l.
- Societa Padre Giovanni Semeria Cooperativa Sociale
- Santa Teresa Del Bambino Gesu Societa Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
- S.l.s S.p.a