Commerce Industry in Veghel
In Veghel there are 286 Commerce companies and the Commerce industry makes accounts for 13% of the limited companies within Veghel. The most searched Commerce company within the Business Index is Thermo-Noord. The average credit score within the Commerce industry in Veghel is 67.68, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Commerce Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Commerce industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Commerce industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Veghel
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Commerce Companies in Veghel
- Thermo-Noord
- Sligro Food Group Nederland B.V.
- Sligro Food Group International B.V.
- Sibo Fluidra Netherlands B.V.
- Staad B.V.
- Ad Van Den Tillaart Varkenshandel B.V.
- Benseng International B.V.
- Van Den Broek Automotive Veghel B.V.
- Gabriels Elektro B.V.
- De Meerman B.V.
- Vdl Agroproducts B.V.
- Veehandel C. Van Den Boogaart Import/Export B.V.
- Mecq Materieel B.V.
- Royal Canin Nederland B.V.
- Equipment Supply International B.V.
- M. V.d. Heijden Autocentrum Zijtaart B.V.
Other Commerce Companies Nationwide
- Groothandel En Slagerij Dantuma B.V.
- A.w. Boomsma Mechanisatiebedrijf B.V.
- Mulder Agro B.V.
- Aldi-Markt
- Van Der Veen Supermarkt B.V.
- Aldi-Markt
- Wester Koopmans B.V.
- Apotheek 'De Dokkumer Walden' B.V.
- Metaalhandel De Horne B.V.
- Autobedrijven Esa Drachten B.V.
- Dem B.V.
- Sake Sakelijk B.V.
- Kooistra Woon B.V.
- Apotheek Hardegarijp B.V.
- Aldi-Markt
- Panelenmarkt B.V.