Accomodation & Food Industry in Strängnäs
In Strängnäs there are 29 Accomodation & Food companies and the Accomodation & Food industry makes accounts for 3% of the limited companies within Strängnäs. The most searched Accomodation & Food company within the Business Index is Evenemangbolaget I Stallarholmen Aktiebolag. The average credit score within the Accomodation & Food industry in Strängnäs is 60.73, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Accomodation & Food Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Accomodation & Food industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Accomodation & Food industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Strängnäs
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
Looking to compare and benchmark another company?
Most searched Accomodation & Food Companies in Strängnäs
- Evenemangbolaget I Stallarholmen Aktiebolag
- Wartan Restaurang AB
- Europaskolan Restaurang AB
- Edsbacka Bistro Strängnäs Aktiebolag
- AB Gripsholms Catering
- Paraskevi AB
- Anna På Torget AB
- Norrlandsvind AB
- Ivis Restaurangförvaltning AB
- Prena Gruppen Holding AB
- Lillgärd Grill & Café AB
- Grecano AB
- Låsta Gårdshotell AB
- Kanon Restaurang AB
- Asr Bowling AB
- Tumdelgerekh AB
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- Lundegård Fritidsutveckling Aktiebolag
- Aktiebolaget Vilshärads Camping
- Halens Camping Och Stugby AB
- Mullsjö Motells Camping Aktiebolag
- Tofta Camping AB
- Tofta Strand Resort AB
- Folkdansen AB
- Nyman - Hallberg I Storhogna AB
- Mohems Camping Aktiebolag
- Fritidsanläggningar Kneippbyn Aktiebolag
- Grebbestad Camping Aktiebolag
- Ti-Land Aktiebolag
- Cary Camping Aktiebolag
- Destination Apelviken AB