Accomodation & Food Industry in Medway
In Medway there are 2 Accomodation & Food companies and the Accomodation & Food industry makes accounts for 33% of the limited companies within Medway. The most searched Accomodation & Food company within the Business Index is Lionbridge. The average credit score within the Accomodation & Food industry in Medway is 58, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Accomodation & Food Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Accomodation & Food industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Accomodation & Food industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Other Accomodation & Food Companies Nationwide
- Sodexo
- Sodexo Inc.
- 840 Owners Ltd.
- J2 Resources, LLC
- Odin Construction Solutions, Inc..
- Leadec Corp.
- Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC
- Branded Group, Inc.
- Umbra Cuscinetti Inc.
- King George LLC
- C & L Aerospace
- Piedmont Service Group
- Truesource LLC
- Disaster Resource Group LLC
- Marsan Management Corp.
- El Paso Multi Use Facility