Finance & Insurance Industry in Verviers
In Verviers there are 53 Finance & Insurance companies and the Finance & Insurance industry makes accounts for 4% of the limited companies within Verviers. The most searched Finance & Insurance company within the Business Index is Donnay Assurances. The average credit score within the Finance & Insurance industry in Verviers is 77.96, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Finance & Insurance Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Finance & Insurance industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Finance & Insurance industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Finance & Insurance Companies in Verviers
- Donnay Assurances
- Jata
- Cvmg
- Bureau D'expertise Somja - Dubois
- P. & Ph. Somja Expertises
- Gestion Patrimoine Kandemir
- Association Des Copropriétaires De La Residence Le Perron, À 4800 Verviers, Rue De Heusy 32
- Assurances Serge Noblue
- Gefim
- Association Des Copropriétaires De La Résidence Argenteuil, À 4800 Verviers, Crapaurue, 71
- Association Des Copropriétaires De La Résidence Les Sottais 2, À 4800 Verviers, Rue Du Premier De Ligne
- Groupassur Verviers New
- Hubinvest
- Bureau D'assurances Crickboom
- Depairon Invest
- Antara
Other Finance & Insurance Companies Nationwide
- Sogema
- Inter Ikea Services B.V.
- Inter Ikea Holding S.A.
- Intereurope AG - European Law Service - Intereurope Belgium
- Co.öperatieve Rabobank U.a.
- Acp International Ltd (Belgique)
- Unicredit Spa
- Speedy France S.A.S.
- Otis Scs
- Helvetia Scheizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft-Helvetia Compagnie Suisse D'assurances-Helvetia Zwitserse Verzekeringsmaatschappij
- The Scottish Lion Insurance Company Limited
- Liefdadige Congregatie Der Zwarte Zusters Van Brugge, Oostende En Menen (Vl - Brugge)
- A. Deman-De Ghelder
- Palmboomen Cultuur Maatschappij Mopoli
- Gan Vie, Compagnie Française D'assurances Sur La Vie
- Ennia Levensverzekering