Finance & Insurance Industry in Frederiksberg
In Frederiksberg there are 475 Finance & Insurance companies and the Finance & Insurance industry makes accounts for 10% of the limited companies within Frederiksberg. The most searched Finance & Insurance company within the Business Index is E-Force ApS. The average credit score within the Finance & Insurance industry in Frederiksberg is 71.5, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Finance & Insurance Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Finance & Insurance industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Finance & Insurance industry.
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Finance & Insurance Companies in Frederiksberg
- E-Force ApS
- Tfh ApS
- Biofields Holding ApS
- Thomsen Invest A/S
- Karstoft Holding ApS
- The International Association European Policy For Intellectual Property (Epip), S/I
- Jesper Trillingsgaard ApS
- Hans Jørgen Laustsen ApS
- Nio ApS
- K Og G Poulsen Rådgivning Og Investering ApS
- Bons ApS Af 1998
- Ejendomsselskabet Af 10/4 1995 ApS
- Bp Strong Holding ApS
- Primo Invest ApS
- Ax V Phase One Holding I ApS
- Ta Bi Consulting ApS
Other Finance & Insurance Companies Nationwide
- E-Force ApS
- Tfh ApS
- Biofields Holding ApS
- Thomsen Invest A/S
- Karstoft Holding ApS
- The International Association European Policy For Intellectual Property (Epip), S/I
- Jesper Trillingsgaard ApS
- Hans Jørgen Laustsen ApS
- Nio ApS
- K Og G Poulsen Rådgivning Og Investering ApS
- Bons ApS Af 1998
- Ejendomsselskabet Af 10/4 1995 ApS
- Bp Strong Holding ApS
- Primo Invest ApS
- Ax V Phase One Holding I ApS
- Ta Bi Consulting ApS