Finance & Insurance Industry in Gladsaxe
In Gladsaxe there are 594 Finance & Insurance companies and the Finance & Insurance industry makes accounts for 27% of the limited companies within Gladsaxe. The most searched Finance & Insurance company within the Business Index is Wirework Holding ApS. The average credit score within the Finance & Insurance industry in Gladsaxe is 77.85, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Finance & Insurance Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Finance & Insurance industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Finance & Insurance industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Gladsaxe
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Finance & Insurance Companies in Gladsaxe
- Wirework Holding ApS
- ApS Mak
- Sdam ApS
- Mera Holding ApS
- Holdingselskabet Af 15 November 2001 ApS
- Nivikop ApS
- Neil Pearson Holding ApS
- Npp Komplementar ApS
- Instituttet For Læseteknik A/S
- Mt Højgaard Holding A/S
- Wide Invest ApS
- Apollon Holding ApS
- Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals A/S
- Jens E.j. Holding ApS
- El-Toukhy Holding ApS
- Kongens Nytorv Invest ApS
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- Tåstrupgårdsvej 34. 1996 ApS
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- Låneforeningen For Lærere I Københavns Kommune
- Jan Ludwig Holding ApS
- Tfh ApS
- Biofields Holding ApS
- Ph Bang Holding ApS
- Thomsen Invest A/S
- Karstoft Holding ApS
- The International Association European Policy For Intellectual Property (Epip), S/I
- Holdingselskabet Sj, Søborg ApS
- Jesper Trillingsgaard ApS
- Nofa ApS
- Hans Jørgen Laustsen ApS
- Nio ApS