Energy Supply Industry in Chemnitz
In Chemnitz there are 15 Energy Supply companies and the Energy Supply industry makes accounts for 1% of the limited companies within Chemnitz. The most searched Energy Supply company within the Business Index is Wbs Wärme + Biostrom GmbH. The average credit score within the Energy Supply industry in Chemnitz is 65.67, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Energy Supply Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Energy Supply industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Energy Supply industry.
More information about the score
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Chemnitz
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Energy Supply Companies in Chemnitz
- Wbs Wärme + Biostrom GmbH
- Ibaenergie GmbH
- Facturea GmbH
- Inetz GmbH
- Energiestern GmbH
- Suen-Sustainable Energy GmbH
- Solvolt Unternehmergesellschaft (Haftungsbeschränkt) & Co.. Kg
- Kommunale Versorgungs- Und Energiedienstleistungsgesellschaft Südsachsen Mbh
- Bioenergiepark Raitzen GmbH
- Saxonia Solutions GmbH
- Eins Energie In Sachsen GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Gase-Center-Chemnitz Ug (Haftungsbeschränkt) Technische Gase, Flüssiggase & Mehr
- Amnis Solar Ug (Haftungsbeschränkt) & Co.. Kg
- Energiepark Galgenberg GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Neubert Energy GmbH
Other Energy Supply Companies Nationwide
- Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft Mbh
- Ssw - Stadtwerke St. Wendel GmbH & Co. Kg.
- Stadtwerke Aue-Bad Schlema GmbH
- Ecovest Aktiengesellschaft
- Baustoff- Und Bodenprüfung Nordharz GmbH
- Laux Windkraftanlagen GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Kuddl-Solar GmbH
- Reorganic Energie GmbH
- Stadtwerke Weißwasser GmbH
- H2-Greenforce Deutschland GmbH
- Stadtwerke Sulzbach/Saar GmbH
- Bioenergie Neuhaus GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Wenaro-Strom-GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Nrm Netzdienste Rhein-Main GmbH
- Stadtwerke Dillingen/Saar GmbH
- Untersee Solar GmbH