Administration Industry in Waardenburg
In Waardenburg there are 24 Administration companies and the Administration industry makes accounts for 6% of the limited companies within Waardenburg. The most searched Administration company within the Business Index is Interpomp B.V.. The average credit score within the Administration industry in Waardenburg is 66.64, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Administration Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Administration industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Administration industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Waardenburg
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Administration Companies in Waardenburg
- Interpomp B.V.
- Pellegrom Sierbestrating B.V.
- Vos Food-Cleaning B.V.
- Vos Schoonmaakbedrijf Tiel B.V.
- Interclean Benelux B.V.
- Young Career B.V.
- Vdu Uitzendbureau B.V.
- Vos Schoonmaakbedrijf 'S-Hertogenbosch B.V.
- Sorgaflex Uitzendbureau B.V.
- Verweij Vervoer B.V.
- Vdu Detachering B.V.
- Vdu Flexible Workforce Group B.V.
- Yellowrock B.V.
- Dit En Larex Recruitment B.V.
- Verzekeringsprofessionals Zuid B.V.
- Verweij Materieel B.V.
Other Administration Companies Nationwide
- Schoonmaakorganisatie Gebr. Langeberg B.V.
- Terschelling Recreatie De Riesen B.V.
- Enjoy Sailing Zeeland B.V.
- Hoffman, Krul & Partners B.V.
- Kooiker Uitzendburo B.V.
- J.h. Van Der Hoek B.V.
- Handelzeker B.V.
- Natural Resources Recruitment B.V.
- N.a.s. International B.V.
- Nelis Company B.V.
- Solenix GmbH
- Transparent Business Solutions B.V.
- Dra Debt Recovery Agency B.V.
- A.m. Tete Security B.V.
- Digiteam Nederland B.V.
- Skytools B.V.