Arts & Entertainment Industry in Eboli
Here we look at how the key industries perform in Eboli. We'll look at key financial indicators such as current ratios, average pre-tax profit and average current debt ratios.
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Arts & Entertainment Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Arts & Entertainment industry
Average Industry Current Ratio
Average Industry Pre-tax Profit
Average Industry Current Debt Ratio
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Arts & Entertainment industry.
Average Current Ratio
Average Pre Tax Profit
Average Current Debt Ratio
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Most searched Arts & Entertainment Companies in Eboli
- S.r.l.
- Made In Italy Beach S.r.l.
- Societa Sportiva Dilettantistica Feldi Eboli A Responsabilita Limitata In Sigla S.s.d. Feldi A Responsabilita Limitata
- Diving & Divers S.r.l.
- Eboli Multiservizi S.p.a. - Societa In Liquidazione
- Bagno 38 S.r.l.
- Mz Tour S.r.l.s.
- A.l.s.e.s. 90 - Societa' Cooperativa Di Produzione, Lavoro Eservizi A Responsabilita' Limitata - S.c.r.l. - ( A.l.s.e.s. 90 - S.c.r.l. )
- Societa Sportiva Dilettantistica Black & White S.r.l.
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- Magicland Spa
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- Bluwater S.p.a.
- Parco Avventura Cuturelle S.r.l.
- Liberty City Fun S.r.l.
- Magia Animation S.r.l.
- Lidolandia - S.r.l.
- Futura S.r.l.
- Acquapark S.r.l.
- Bule Adventure Park Societa A Responsabilita Limitata
- Leisure Group Italia S.r.l.
- Gh Calabria S.r.l
- Gestione Parchi Acquatici Societa A Responsabilita Limitata
- L Ancora S.r.l.