Åhøj I/S V/Trine Refsing Sørensen Og Michael Bjerregaard Laursen - 26926289 Credit Report
Åhøj I/S V/Trine Refsing Sørensen Og Michael Bjerregaard Laursen
operates within the Culture de céréales (à l’exception du riz): blé dur, blé, seigle, fourrage d’orge, avoine, maïs, etc. industry.
It was incorporated in 2003.
Its headquarters are located at Oustrupvej Ø Alling, Auning 8963 6.
The company number for Åhøj I/S V/Trine Refsing Sørensen Og Michael Bjerregaard Laursen is 26926289,
with a safe number DK03128541.