Health & Social Work Industry in La Louvière
In La Louvière there are 47 Health & Social Work companies and the Health & Social Work industry makes accounts for 5% of the limited companies within La Louvière. The most searched Health & Social Work company within the Business Index is Thalamus. The average credit score within the Health & Social Work industry in La Louvière is 67.89, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Health & Social Work Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Health & Social Work industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Health & Social Work industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within La Louvière
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Health & Social Work Companies in La Louvière
- Thalamus
- Dentiste Hubert Kesse
- Exgemed
- Pirouline - Pause Cartable
- Centre Medical De Saint - Vaast
- Groupe De Rattrapage Et D'animation De La Province De Hainaut
- Le Castillon
- Cabinet Infirmier Vanderelst
- Cabinet Dentaire Ivlef
- Docteur Baltieri D.
- Cabinet Drugmand
- Cabinet Medical Dr Vinken
- Greta
- Cabinet Dentaire De Triviere
- Lescart Henri
- Medicath
Other Health & Social Work Companies Nationwide
- Patronato Acli Belgio
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- Liantis Sociaal Secretariaat
- Sint-Franciscus Xaveriusziekenhuis
- Het Wit-Gele Kruis Van West-Vlaanderen
- De Kade
- Instituut Voor Medische Dringende Hulpverlening - Center For Urgent Medical Assistance
- Sociaal-Pedagogisch En Psychologisch Studiebureau
- Johan Beernaert
- Vertrouwenscentum Kindermishandeling West-Vlaanderen
- Groenhof Goetinck
- Vlaminck Stephan N.k.o. Praktijk
- Dokter Eddy De Moerloose
- Centrum Voor Kinderzorg En Gezinsondersteuning Sint-Clara
- Dr. Dillemans - Algemene Chirurgie
- Psypra