Construction Industry in Baden-Württemberg
In Baden-Württemberg there are 10303 Construction companies and the Construction industry makes accounts for 9% of the limited companies within Baden-Württemberg. The most searched Construction company within the Business Index is Fensterbau Maag Inhaber Rainer Maag. The average credit score within the Construction industry in Baden-Württemberg is 66.3, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Construction Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Construction industry in Baden-Württemberg
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Construction industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Baden-Württemberg
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Construction Companies in Baden-Württemberg
- Fensterbau Maag Inhaber Rainer Maag
- Bauunternehmen Pfaff GmbH
- Maler Jetter GmbH
- Oliver Beck GmbH
- Schraitle Massivhaus Emil Schraitle
- Schneider Gesellschaft Mit Beschränkter Haftung Stukkateurfachbetrieb
- M. + I. Dikic Bau GmbH
- Alois Haselmeier Bauunternehmung, Inhaber Hans Haselmeier E. K.
- Helmut Rauch GmbH Energie-, Sanitär- Und Wärmetechnik
- K. & V. Klaiber GmbH
- Hilsmann Ausbauelemente Bau- Und Möbelschreinerei Mit Fliesenstudio E.k.
- Glombitza-Mutschler GmbH & Co.. Kg
- Feurer GmbH Möbel - Bauschreinerei
- Maler Feyrer Service GmbH
- Schien Malerwerkstätte GmbH
- Hermann GmbH Sanitär Heizung Klima