Other Industry in Niedersachsen
In Niedersachsen there are 5266 Other companies and the Other industry makes accounts for 6% of the limited companies within Niedersachsen. The most searched Other company within the Business Index is Barnstorfer Bestattungsinstitut Helga Gerke Inh. Burghard Gerke E.k.. The average credit score within the Other industry in Niedersachsen is 72.86, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Other Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Other industry in Niedersachsen
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Other industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Niedersachsen
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Other Companies in Niedersachsen
- Barnstorfer Bestattungsinstitut Helga Gerke Inh. Burghard Gerke E.k.
- Fn Tankreinigung & Entsorgung Inhaber Florian Nuttelmann E. Kfm.
- Fcsd Finance Consult Seminar- Und Dienstleistungs GmbH
- Bestattungsinstitut Schierbaum-Gerke GmbH
- Friseur Radolla GmbH
- Sargversand GmbH Handel Mit Bestattungsartikeln Aller Art
- Sassonet E.k.
- Hundeschule & Hunde- Und Katzenhotel First Class Am Kiekutsee- Raymond Lütjohann
- Hdk Handels- Und Dienstleistungskontor M. Kroker GmbH
- Babein Bassumer-Beerdigungs-Institut, Inh. Rolf Dieter Felske E.k.
- Weser Ablesedienst GmbH E. Drewes R. Drewes
- Bestattungsinstitut Budelmann Inhaber: Andreas Budelmann E.k.
- Relex - Reliable Export Service Peter Siebolds
- Barnstorfer Umwelt-Erlebnis-Zentrum GGmbH
- Top-Service Textilaufbereitung GmbH
- Radolla Hairstyling GmbH