Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Industry in Beringe
In Beringe there are 14 Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing companies and the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry makes accounts for 9% of the limited companies within Beringe. The most searched Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing company within the Business Index is Verhoijsen Veehouderij Beekkant B.V.. The average credit score within the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry in Beringe is 81.25, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Beringe
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Companies in Beringe
- Verhoijsen Veehouderij Beekkant B.V.
- Verstegen B.V.
- Looop Pig Farms B.V.
- Linders Tuinbouw B.V.
- Nertsenfarm De Kampe B.V.
- Kwekerij De Piramide B.V.
- De Kievit Beringe B.V.
- Verieswiek B.V.
- Van Riel Sierplantenkwekerij B.V.
- Landbouwbedrijf Van Horen B.V.
- De Snep B.V.
- Verhoijsen Veehouderij B.V.
- Van Der Linden Poultry Farms B.V.
- Tilla's B.V.
Other Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Companies Nationwide
- Loonbedrijf Brouwer Beheer B.V.
- Johannes Beheer B.V.
- Jan Rijpma B.V.
- Airkoe B.V.
- Bouma Veehandel B.V.
- Adams Lv
- Graszoden-Online B.V.
- De Haan Loonbedrijf B.V.
- Polderstroom Calves B.V.
- Hajo Cattle B.V.
- Trip Hek B.V.
- Dotinga Landbouwbedrijf B.V.
- Loon- En Kraanbedrijf Zijlstra B.V.
- Meirink Beheer B.V.
- Loonbedrijf Gebr. Buma B.V.
- Riad Maren-Kessel Holding B.V.