Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Industry in Hazerswoude-Dorp
In Hazerswoude-Dorp there are 31 Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing companies and the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry makes accounts for 6% of the limited companies within Hazerswoude-Dorp. The most searched Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing company within the Business Index is Buxuskwekerij Piet Smits B.V.. The average credit score within the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry in Hazerswoude-Dorp is 86.57, and the average Days Beyond Terms is 0.
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Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Industry Statistics
Here are the top cities within the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Industry Benchmark
Below shows the key credit metrics for the Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing industry.
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined below are created by reviewing all companies within Hazerswoude-Dorp
Average Industry Credit Score
Average Industry Credit Limit
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms
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Most searched Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Companies in Hazerswoude-Dorp
- Buxuskwekerij Piet Smits B.V.
- Hebe Center Holland B.V.
- J.c. Rijnbeek Boomkwekerijen B.V.
- D.j. Hendriksen & Zn. B.V.
- Erik De Boer Plants B.V.
- One-Power B.V.
- Griffin Agri B.V.
- Pannebakker & Co.. B.V.
- Wansinck B.V.
- Greenseasons B.V.
- Agropoli B.V.
- Boomkwekerij Piet Louwers B.V.
- Vaste Planten Kwekerij Rémon Bakhuijzen B.V.
- Voets Agro B.V.
- AB Zuid-Holland Sproeicombinatie B.V.
- Graafland Buxus B.V.
Other Agriculture & Forestry & Fishing Companies Nationwide
- Loonbedrijf Brouwer Beheer B.V.
- Johannes Beheer B.V.
- Jan Rijpma B.V.
- Airkoe B.V.
- Bouma Veehandel B.V.
- Adams Lv
- Graszoden-Online B.V.
- De Haan Loonbedrijf B.V.
- Polderstroom Calves B.V.
- Hajo Cattle B.V.
- Trip Hek B.V.
- Dotinga Landbouwbedrijf B.V.
- De Grijze Kokkel B.V.
- Loon- En Kraanbedrijf Zijlstra B.V.
- Meirink Beheer B.V.
- Loonbedrijf Gebr. Buma B.V.