Access a free business credit report and have full visibility on a potential manufacturer or supplier you are looking to work with.
Search by company name or use our advanced search tools to find companies by business type and SIC code.
SIC codes
Find a list of all manufacturing & wholesale SIC codes by clicking the icon above.
Verify if the company is registered, how long it has been trading, how many employees it has and its revenue and turnover.
Ongoing monitoring
If the supplier falls into financial difficulty, Creditsafe can alert you by email in advance giving you an early warning sign and providing the opportunity to find alternative suppliers if required.
Bank account verification
Creditsafe provide instant bank verification checks, allowing you to enter the suppliers bank account details and receive verification that they belong to the correct company.
International credit reports
Creditsafe provide access to credit reports in more than 160 countries, giving you instant access to new suppliers at home and internationally.