International Credit Reports

Credit check your international business partners to minimize the risk when exporting and trading internationally

Grow your client base safe in the knowledge international businesses can afford to pay for your goods and services. To check an overseas company simply enter a company name below:

This offer is for business users only.

International company credit scores at your fingertips

With 99.9% of requested reports delivered instantly online, you can get a complete view of the international companies you work with in an instant.

  1. 24/7 International Monitoring

    Keep up to date via email within the companies you deal with both home and abroad*

  2. International Credit Scores and Limits

    Our international scores and limits are standardized A-E for simple cross country analysis

  3. Corporate Hierachy and UBO Data

    Identify the management structure and direction of international businesses

International Business Credit Reports

Even under the best of circumstances, working with international companies is risky, especially when it’s time to get paid as laws, contracts and norms often do not work in your favor. While we can’t make doing business internationally abroad risk-free, we have built up the world’s largest business credit database so that you can mitigate at least some of the risk and grow your business with confidence.

By providing real-time, accurate and trusted information on any business in the world, we are able to help companies of all sizes maximise sales and reduce exposure to credit risk. Over 200,000 users globally rely on the information we provide to make 450,000 decisions daily. For companies that do business locally and globally, Creditsafe delivers key insight on  430 million private and public companies around the world.

Collecting business data from all parts of the world doesn’t come without its challenges. That’s why our network of 16 offices and local partners from around the world enables us to collect reliable and up-to-date information, whilst benefitting from local knowledge and expertise. While we may not hold information on every business in the world, 99.9% of all reports requested by our customers are delivered instantly online. 

Answer Key Questions Like:

  1. Is a business linked to other companies around the world?

  2. How likely is an international company to go bankrupt in the next 12 months?

  3. How much credit can I feel comfortable offering an international company?

  4. Is this international company likely to pay me on-time?

Credit Reports on Any Business in the World

The map below illustrates the countries where we can deliver instant credit reports on over  430 million businesses in 200 countries via our online database.

We offer a cost effective global risk management solution using data from around the world

  1. 365m+ credit reports available instantly online

  2. Standardized international credit score

  3. 99.9% of requested reports delivered instantly

Standardized International Credit Scores

A language everyone can understand

International Credit Score Ranges

Comparing a credit report from one country to another can be difficult if the scoring model is different in each country. That's why we created a standardized international score so that when you're looking at multiple reports from different countries you can have confidence that you're comparing apples to apples. 

Although we may not hold information on every company in the world, 99.9% of all business credit reports requested by our customers are delivered instantly online. We don’t store historic reports and will immediately investigate any business we don’t hold information on to deliver fresh commercial insight you can trust.

Our score is designed with simplicity in mind so you can make a credit decision as fast as possible. With a range from A-E, A is the lowest risk, D is the highest risk and E means a company is unrated.  The score measures the likelihood of a company becoming insolvent within the next 12 months. 

International Credit Score Chart

Fresh & Locally Sourced Data

The information that makes up an international report is collected in a number of different ways across our network of local offices and hand-picked partners. When possible, we will always collect information direct from official sources such as the domestic equivalent of the Secretary of State and Securities Exchange Comission. This information is combined with data from our network of leading local credit information partners ensures the information you receive is accurate, upto-date and always delivered with speed. 

The information in the Creditsafe database is assembled from multiple data sources including trade suppliers, demographic suppliers, government entities, court systems, and individual companies. This information is updated periodically throughout the year, from daily to monthly depending on the data type. All information is verified before it's added to our database. After the data is verified and loaded into our database, our scores are updated to reflect the new data. All scores and limits are generated from our proprietary algorithms that are consistently refined based on advances in technology and process improvement.

  1. Trade Payment Data

    Information we have collected from thousands of 3rd party companies. This information is then matched to our database and provides insight to a particular company’s payment behavior. The trade data generates a company’s DBT (days beyond terms) which is a primary indicator of a company’s wellbeing.

  2. Government Entities

    The Secretary of States for provides officer information and other SOS data, Department of Transportation for FMCSA data, Office of Foreign Asset Control for OFAC data, Department of Labor for OSHA data, SAM.GOV for government contract data, State governments for Licensing Data and the US Small Business Administration for SBA Data

  3. Demographic Suppliers

    Multiple 3rd party suppliers and fresh investigations provide company name, address, industry assignment, employee number, contact information and estimated sales figures.

  4. Financial data

    Full financial information including balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and various financial ratios on publicly traded companies

  5. Court Systems

    Federal, State and Local courts provide UCC filings, judgments, suits, and liens.

  6. Group Structure Data

    Corporate hierarchical structure identifying the head office, parent companies, subsidiaries and branches at a global level

  7. Linkage data

    Related companies linked from Creditsafe reports in other countries

  8. Media Solutions

    Articles from hundreds of periodicals and online sources

Worldwide PLC Reports

Creditsafe worldwide PLC reports provide in-depth commercial credit and financial insight into all publicly trading companies. Worldwide PLC reports are available to view instantly online and contain key information on more than 49,000 active public companies in over 165 countries globally, plus hard-to-find historical information on all non-trading companies.

Creditsafe worldwide PLC reports include:

  • Verified company name, address and contact details 
  • Principal trading activity description 
  • Shareholder and ownership details 
  • A clear and concise credit score and maximum credit limit 
  • Geographical sales & revenue breakdown 
  • Key competitor information 
  • Full and interim financial statements 
  • Sales, profit and loss accounts 
  • Balance sheets and cash flow 
  • Key accounting ratios 
  • Current & previous directors 
  • Holding & subsidiary details 
  • Corporate linkages

Real-time Monitoring Alerts

Our database is refreshed 5 million times a day giving us visibility of the thousands of new business events that occur every day. Changes to your own customers and suppliers continually pose new risks or opportunities to your company, but these need to be identified before it is too late.

Creditsafe Monitoring helps you to keep on top of these changes without having to manually check each company’s report. Add any business of interest to you to Monitoring, and we will email you whenever there is a noteworthy change. Spot the first signs of risk or take advantage of new opportunities when it matters the most. Whether your customer changes their invoicing address or their credit score decreases, you can customise alerts for a wide range of important company events.

Real-time monitoring is currently available in: 

Fresh Investigations Available

It’s not always possible to provide real-time data on every business in the world. So whenever a report is not immediately available to view online, we will freshly investigate that business to provide you up-to-date information you can trust.

  1. Any business, anywhere:

    With the need for accurate data to be delivered quickly, you can quickly perform a credit check on any company that is not available within our instant online database.

  2. Where do our investigations start?

    By using official sources and registries we are able to quickly answer questions about a company’s stability and financial health. Where official information is not available we will conduct a direct interview with the business

  3. Fast delivery

    On average fresh investigations are delivered within 5.5 days

I have been using Creditsafe reports for my international reports for about 5 years now and each time I’ve done a comparison with other reports, have found that Creditsafe reports are less expensive and better quality than others.

Sumitomo Electric Lightwave Corp

Explore Creditsafe's International Data Today

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Frequently asked questions

What’s included in an international business credit report?

Our international business credit reports include most of the information you would expect to find in a local report. We sometimes need to gather information from other local sources so the information may vary country by country.

Where do you get your data?

Our data is collected from over 200 sources; where possible we will collect information from official registries. Our network of 16 offices and trusted local partners allow us to collect information locally; ensuring we always deliver quality, fresh information.

How does a fresh investigation work?

When a company report is not available to view online you have the opportunity to freshly investigate a business. Once this request is received we will attempt to contact the company directly using our network of local partners and official registries to provide a detailed international business credit report within as little as 2–10 working days.

Why is the credit scoring banded A to E, rather than 1 – 100?

Because not all countries use a 1-100 score; using an A-E score makes it easier for you to compare the credit risk of companies from across different countries. A is the lowest risk, D the highest risk and E is unrated.

How long will it take to receive my report?

99.9% of all reports requested by our customers are typically delivered instantly online. When a company report is not available a fresh investigation will take between 2-10 working days depending on the country.

How often are the reports updated?

Creditsafe international database reports are updated in real-time, over 1 million times a day.