Mexican Credit Reports

Discover Creditsafe's comprehensive Mexican credit data solutions and gain a competitive edge in one of the world's most dynamic and expanding markets

Mexican business data at your fingertips

At Creditsafe, we are proud to extend our comprehensive credit information services to include detailed Mexican credit reports. With our international reach, we ensure that your business can access critical financial data necessary for making informed decisions when trading with Mexican companies.


Mexican credit data

Mexico is a prominent trading partner with a robust economy, positioning it as the 14th largest economy globally. At Creditsafe, we have access to 1,851,125 Mexican credit reports covering  1,745,459 active companies. Our collection of Mexican credit reports can help your business to navigate this dynamic market. The data we provide includes financial information, corporate registration details, and negative data, ensuring you have a comprehensive view of any company's financial health.

What is included in a Mexican credit report

  1. Credit scores & limits

    Each Mexican credit report will contain key credit information such as credit scores and an international credit score for cross border comparison.

  2. Shareholder Information, Group Structure, and Corporate Hierarchy

    Detailed information on shareholders, group structure, and corporate hierarchy offers comprehensive insights into the organization's ownership and operational setup.

  3. Full Financial Data

    Financial Data sourced from Registro Público de la Propiedade y de Comercio, Instituto Federal de Especialistas en Concursos Mercantiles, stock exchanges, and more.

  4. Derogatory legal

    Check for adverse events such as bankruptcies, legal filings such as court cases and unpaid taxes.

  5. Local Business Classifications and VAT Numbers

    Local business classifications are assigned based on industry sectors, accompanied by VAT numbers for taxation purposes.

Mexican credit scores and credit limits

Our Mexican credit reports use standard activity codes (SIC or Mexican NAICS) and include essential company identification numbers (RFC). These identifiers are critical for accurate company profiling and credit assessment.

By leveraging our extensive database and regular updates, Creditsafe helps your business  to make informed decisions and mitigate risks when engaging with Mexican companies.

Whether you are looking to expand into the Mexican market or assess existing partners, our Mexican credit reports provide the essential data needed for confident business decisions.


VAT Numbers and Company ID in Mexico

In Mexico, the primary company identification number is the RFC, which is essential for tax purposes. The RFC format consists of 12 characters for companies and 13 characters for individuals, comprising both letters and numbers. While VAT numbers are not required to be filed in the reports, the RFC remains crucial for company identification.

Filing Requirements in Mexico

Only publicly traded companies in Mexico are required to file financial statements. Private companies are exempt from this requirement, resulting in a limited availability of financial data for non-public entities. Understanding these filing requirements and the nature of available financial data is critical for assessing the creditworthiness of Mexican companies

Mexican Credit Scores and Limits

While we provide comprehensive analyses, not all companies receive a credit score. Exceptions include companies with insufficient information, bankruptcies, or actions by the SAT (Servicio de Administración Tributaria). The credit limit for companies is calculated based on the credit score, company size, and revenue, ensuring an accurate assessment of a company's creditworthiness.

Looking to do business with companies in Mexico?