Our predictive credit scoring system
Our system is one of the most predictive within the industry and predicts up to 70% of failures up to 12 months prior to insolvency.
Highest rated Credit Bureau on Trustpilot
Our commitment to our customers is highlighted by the fantastic reviews we have received on Trustpilot. In fact we are the highest rated B2B credit bureau in the US
No tiered reports
Unlike our competitors we believe in giving you all the information you need in one report.
Our international coverage
As we own the 430m company reports on our database, we can deliver these instantly online.
Approved by insurers
Our credit scores & limits are endorsed and therefore trusted, by all major US credit insurers.
Dedicated support & account management
With a typical response time of 1 hour, we believe every customer deserves personal account management. That is why every client has a dedicated account manager.
No automatic renewal
With a customer retention rate of over 95%, we want our customers to stay with us because they are happy with our service, not because they are tied into a contract.
Financial Data Insights
Through our network we have unparalleled access to financial trade data such as commercial credit card, leases and lines of credit data allowing you to understand how much credit your customers are currently utilizing