Business Credit Reports

Get a free business credit report and check the companies you do business with

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This service is for business users only.

Trusted by the world's biggest companies

How can Creditsafe’s business credit reports help your company?

  1. Improve Cashflow

    Maintaining a healthy cashflow is critical for any business. Creditsafe business reports include payment indicators and Days Beyond Terms metrics to help you understand when you are likely to get paid.

  1. Reducing Bad Debt

    With business credit scores and limits included with every report, you can ensure you are only working with creditworthy companies that can afford to pay their credit commitments.

  1. Verify your Customers and Suppliers

    With business fraud on the increase, verifying the companies you do business with is even more critical. Every report allows you to verify a company is genuine, confirm its registered details, address and legal status in an instant.

  1. Collecting Trade References

    As past behavior is the best indicator of future action having accurate payment history becomes crucial to making decisions on whether to extend credit. With multiple tradelines and experiences included on all reports there’s no need to wait on banks or suppliers for trade references.

  1. Customer Due Diligence

    With Compliance Screening included within all business reports you can easily identify if there are any additional warning signs you need to address when looking to do business with a company.

  1. Identifying Company Ownership

    Having a deeper insight into who actually owns a company is critical when understanding the credit risk that they pose. All business credit reports will include the group structure and UBO as standard.

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What's included in a Creditsafe Business Credit Report?

  1. Credit scores & limits

    All our reports contain a business credit score and a suggested credit limit which are endorsed by all leading insurance companies.

  2. Group structures and linkages

    Corporate hierarchical structure identifying the head office, parent companies, subsidiaries and branches at a global level.

  3. Payment trends and DBT

    Our trade payment analysis that highlights how many days late a company pays their bills and how it compares to their industry.

  4. Derogatory legal

    Check the number and value of tax liens and judgment filed in the last 6 years and 9 months plus bankruptcies filed in the last 9 years and 9 months.

  5. Small business financial data

    Access usually off limts small business financial data such as commercial credit cards, term loans and open line of credit to check for how extended small business owners are

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check my business credit report?

With Creditsafe you can check your business credit report for free by simply requesting a free report. You can also use this free report to review any of the companies that you do business with. To get started with a free report simply request a free report.

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Does an LLC have its own credit score?

Yes, as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is its own legal entity it is separate to the owner’s personal credit score. As with any company, an LLC will have a business credit report, score and limit which is derived from many factors including but not limited to, payment history, time in business, credit utilization,  cash flow statistics etc. If an LLC does go bankrupt then this should not affect the owner’s personal credit score. There are some exceptions such as if the owner has signed a personal guarantee for a debt in which case they would liable. To review the credit score of an LLC simply request a free business credit report.

To improve credit scores LLC’s should aim to:

  • Pay its credit obligations in full and on time
  • Ensure suppliers report payment behavior to credit bureaus like Creditsafe
  • Do not overextend credit
  • Contact suppliers if payments are going to be late to negotiate new terms

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What is on a business credit report?

A business credit report provides a snapshot of the financial stability of company. With a Creditsafe business credit report you will find the following information:

  • Credit Scores and Limits – a score representing the creditworthiness of the business along with a suggested credit limit.
  • Company Details – information such as registered address, SOS number, activity codes, phone number, website and much more
  • Payment History – payment information showing how the business pays its credit commitments
  • Adverse Legal Filings – bankruptcies, legal filings, liens etc will all be present on a business credit report
  • Possible Compliance Violations – Creditsafe also offers possible compliance alerts so you can review not just financial but also reputational and regulatory risk in one report

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Do you need permission to run a business credit check?

In the United States you don’t need permission to run a business credit check as the data contained within a business credit report is public data and shared data. The public data will come from official sources such as Secretary of State filings whilst shared data will be collected from trade payment contributors who share their payment ledgers to increase the visibility of companies financial stability.

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What is a good business credit score?

The Creditsafe business score is used to predict the likelihood that a business’ payment performance will become seriously delinquent (defined as 90 days plus beyond terms or the company will become bankrupt within the next 12 months. The score is from 1 -100 with 1-20 being Very High Risk, 21 – 29 High Risk, 30 – 50 Moderate Risk, 51 – 70 Low Risk and 71 – 100 Very Low Risk. A good credit business credit score should represent a low risk or better. For international comparison Creditsafe also offers an A – E international score allowing for cross border comparison with A being Very Low Risk and E being Very High Risk

Ways companies can improve their credit scores include:

  • Pay its credit obligations in full and on time
  • Ensure suppliers report payment behavior to credit bureaus like Creditsafe
  • Do not overextend credit
  • Contact suppliers if payments are going to be late to negotiate new terms
How do I check my international customers?

Through the Creditsafe database you can access over 430 million business credit reports instantly online allowing you to check your international customers with ease. With Creditsafe, 99.9% of requested reports are delivered instantly online meaning you get the report you need when you need it. An international report will provide you important information you need to make an informed credit decision on your customers no matter where they are in the world. If however we do not have a report for your chosen company, we will send an investigator to manually check the company in question and deliver a fresh investigation report to you in more than 10 working days.